
On this page I have some demo applications that I explain in screen casts. I will be adding more as time goes by.

Microsoft Access Application Samples

This section has some video screen casts demonstrating my skills with Microsoft Access.

Starter DB

Starter DB Video Screenshot
This is an overview of a very basic Starter DB that I use for demos and as a template for bigger database applications.

AutoKeys Macro

AutoKeys Macro Video Screenshot
This is a video demonstrating how I created an Access Add-in to create the AutoKey Macro.

Ribbons Table

Ribbons Table Video Screenshot
This is a video about another Access Add-in that I created to add the Ribbons table with my default ribbon configurations.

Web Samples

This section has some samples showing some of the websites I've created for my customers.

Tell Communications

Tell Communications Website
Tell Communicatoins is a two-way radio distributor located in Bradenton.

Breakdance Builder

Breakdance Builder Video
This video shows my solutions to 3 issues in Breakdance Builder for WordPress.
More to come soon.
Thank you for your patience.

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